
A novel Micro-Grid Topology and its Control Strategy


  Time: 4:30pm Mon. April. 30th, 2018

       Place:  Room 9322 of Xipu campus

       Lecturer: Prof. Herwig Unger

       Emcee:Prof. Tianrui Li


     This talk introduces a novel topology of a micro grid with pure-resistive and piecewise constant power features and a PSO-based control strategy to realize smart energy management, including 100% usage of intermittent renewable energy sources, and high stability. Particle swarm control strategies are utilized to track the best point for realizing the aforementioned features. There, the pure resistance feature can raise the stability in harmonics, power factor, and reactive power problems, moreover, another unique feature is demonstrated by its capability of pure resistance power network for extending. While the piecewise constant power feature can make the system predictable and relieve the power plants’ dispatching difficulty.


      Prof Zhong Li is a professor at the University of Hagen (FernUniversität in Hagen), Germany. He was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow during 3. 2003 – 2. 2004, a senior member of IEEE, an associate member of the Centre for Chaos Control and Complex Networks at City University of Haong Kong and of the Lab for Decision Systems & e-Service Intelligence, Uni. of Tech., Sydney, a visiting professor at the Peking Jiaotong University, a member of IEEE Control Systems Society Technical Committee (CSS) Action Group “Chaos, Synchronization and Control’’, a member of the Faculty Council and University Senate, and a member of Gesellschaft für Deutsche Professoren Chinesischer Herkunft e.V., a member of Humboldt-Club, as well as a reviewer for the Foundation of Alexander von Humboldt. He serves as an associate editor for 6 international journals and has published 6 books with Springer-Verlag, co-edited 2 journal special issues, 1 German patent, 23 book chapters, 58 journal papers and 55 conference papers. He has held more than 10 projects in Germany and China, such as an AiF-IGF-Project 17211N, Germany 2011-2013, a Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50937001) (2010-2013). His research interests include fuzzy logic and fuzzy control, nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos control theory, complex networks with focus on power grids.


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