Neo-Infrastructure Construction or NIC, is a term coined in contrast with infrastructure. The later, having been playing a crucial role in national economy development, refers to construction projects of railway, highway, airport, water conservancy facilities, and etc. However, these traditional endeavors can not meet the current social demands, giving birth to a new initiative, NIC. It is new types of infrastructure marked by the 5th generation wireless systems (5G), artificial intelligence(AI), industrial internet, internet of things (IoT). Essentially, it is digitized infrastructure, i.e., the information infrastructure that supports the transformation of traditional industries to networking, digitization and intelligentization.
Seven Fields and their Applications of Neo-Infrastructure Construction
5G NetWorks
•Industrial Internet
•Internet of vehicles
•Internet of things
•Enterprise clouding
•Artificial intelligence tele-medicine
Ultra-high Voltage
Energy industries such as electricity......
Intercity High-speed Railway and Intercity Rail Transit Systems
Transportation industry
New Energy Vehicle Vehicle Charging Poles
New energy vehicles
Big Data Centers
•personal life (including travel, shopping, sports, financial management, and etc.)
Artificial Intelligence
Smart home
Service robots
Mobile devices
Miscellaneous: household, finance,security, medical treatment, enterprise service, education, customer service, video/entertainment retail /e-commerce, architecture, law, news, recruitment
Industrial Internet
•Intelligent production (within the enterprise)
•Networked collaboration (between enterprises)
•Customer-tailored production (enterprises and customers)
•Service extension (enterprises and products)