Southwest Jiaotong University on October 20 announced the formal inauguration of an iCloud technology services innovation alliance at the Jiuli campus, and the first meeting of the parties in the alliance was held to map out the future development strategy.
The establishment of the alliance showcases the ambition of the university to integrate academic research into real production. The target is to optimize the iCloud technology into innovation and transformation of research into productivity. The alliance aims to meet the demands of enterprises by deepening a collaboration mechanism and utilizing resources of all kinds. The prospects of this collaboration are promising as it addresses major issues in technology innovation, reform in service sectors, transformation of research results, and unveils broad space for technological application into a modern industrial system.
The alliance consists of 21 enterprises and higher educational and research institutions from all parts of China. Southwest Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University and University of Electronic Science and Technology will play major roles representing higher educational institutions, together with leading enterprises in the fields of engineering, construction, information science, high technology and software.
Academicians, scholars and officials from the members of the alliance were present at the meeting. President Xu Fei of SWJTU delivered a keynote speech, briefing the audience the history and development of the university in the past years, saying the university had geared up for a future combining research and production under the backdrop of Chinese government’s initiative to push forward cooperation between the government, the universities and the enterprises. He hoped the alliance could serve both the internal and external collaboration in order to contribute to the development of regional economy in southwest China and the country’s advancement as a whole.
Mr. Hu Xiucheng, deputy inspector from the Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province, gave a speech on how to navigate technology innovation in the future market. A market- and iCloud-oriented strategy is the focal point to reform and upgrade industrial structure.
The meeting reached a consensus on strategic development for the future. Delegates from the alliance reported on the features, trends, needs and missions of an iCloud platform and they expressed commitment to further this partnership.
President Xu Fei concluded the meeting by bringing up the issue of internationalization, hoping that the alliance would forge more international ties and provide access for cross border exchanges.